Spring Cleaning Tips – Skura Style

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Get ready for the Spring Cleaning season by making sure you have plenty of supplies for the tasks. Check for these:

  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Microfiber wipes (WIPE ENVY)
  • Sponges (SKURA STYLE Skrubby sponges)
  • Scouring pads (VERY SKRUBBY)
  • Dish towels (TOWEL TA-DA!)
  • Cleaning caddy
  • Rubber gloves
  • Mop
  • Bucket
  • Broom
  • Dustpan
  • Garbage bags
  • Dishwashing soap
  • Olive oil
  • Vacuum and vacuum bags
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Lemons
  • Kosher salt
  • Spray bottle


How to Deep Clean Your Refrigerator

  • Remove everything from your refrigerator. Check each item for expired date and mold. Toss anything suspicious. Using a damp WIPE ENVY, wipe down every item that you are keeping.
  • Remove all shelves and drawers and clean them using your Skura sponge and warm water. Rinse them in warm running water so that all soap is gone. Then dry each component with a WIPE ENVY cloth.
  • To clean the interior of the refrigerator, spray a mixture of equal parts vinegar and warm water on the surfaces of the interior. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe down with your Skura sponge. Use the scouring side of your sponge to remove any sticky messes or gunk. Then wipe the entire interior dry with a WIPE ENVY.
  • To clean the gasket, mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. Dip a WIPE ENVY into the solution and run it along the seam. Repeat until it is clean and dry.
  • Now return the shelves, drawers and contents to where the belong.  
    Dirty coils can lead to your refrigerator overworking. Coils are designed to keep your fridge at a desired temperature. To check your coils for dust, check your owner’s manual for instructions on how to clean and locate them. Spring Cleaning is the perfect time each year to do this!

How to Get the Outside of Your Stainless Steel Fridge Sparkling

  • Add white vinegar to a clean spray bottle
  • Spray down your stainless steel doors
  • Wipe clean in the direction of the grain with a WIPE ENVY
  • Next dip the WIPE ENVY into a small amount of olive oil
  • Buff with the cloth in the direction of the grain to add a deep shine and remove any streaks 


How to Clean the Inside of Your Oven

Cleaning the oven seems like a large and messy task. When you use the right cleaners and have the right tools, it doesn’t have to be so daunting.

Do your prep work first:

Remove the oven racks

Spread an old towel or sheet on the floor around the oven to catch drips


The Oven

  • Make a paste by combining one cup of baking soda with 3-5 tablespoons of water in a bowl to create a paste. You may need more if your oven has been ignored for some time.

  • Generously spread on the paste on all of the surfaces in your oven including the oven door. Keep the paste clear of any heating elements

  • Let the paste sit for at least eight hours with the door closed

  • Open the oven and wipe down all of the surfaces with a Skura sponge. Scrub away stuck-on food with VERY SKRUBBY. You may need to spray a bit of vinegar and add some dry baking soda to loosen tough messes  

  • Routinely clean your oven to keep it from becoming too dirty between deep cleans


The Oven Racks

  • Lay down an old towel on the bottom of your tub and place the racks on top of the towel

  • Fill the tub with hot water until the oven racks (and towel) are completely covered with the water

  • Add ¼ cup of dish soap to the water

  • Let the racks soak overnight

  • In the morning (after coffee, of course), scrub the racks with a VERY SKRUBBY

  • For really stubborn stains, add salt to your VERY SKRUBBY to create an abrasive

  • Rinse the racks with hot water to remove any residue from your cleaning agents

  • Use a WIPE ENVY to dry the grates


Getting Your Stove Ready for Spring Cooking

There are three types of stoves – gas, glass and induction. Here’s how to clean each one: 


A gas stove has four components that require cleaning:

  • the grate

  • the burner caps (the removable disks that distribute flames)

  • the burner heads (where the fire comes from and are not detachable)

  • the stovetop surface itself


Remove the grates from the stovetop and the burner caps from the burner heads and put them in your sink. This may need to be done in batches depending on the size of your grates and sink.  

For fairly clean grates and burners, put dish soap on your Skura sponge and give the grates and burners a good washing. You’ll know you’ve done a good job if nothing is greasy or tacky to the touch.  

For dirty grates and burners give them an initial wash with a soapy sponge. Then apply a paste comprised of 1 part vinegar with 2 parts baking soda, add a few drops of dish soap and coat the mixture on the grates and burners. Let the mixture sit for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with a Skura sponge and some extra scrubbing.  

Dry them off really well with a WIPE ENVY.  

To clean the surface of your stove make a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts baking soda. Spread it on the surface of your stove and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wipe clean with your Skura sponge. Dry with a WIPE ENVY to make it sparkle and add the burner caps and grates back to the stove.


Electric stoves come in two varieties – metal coil burners and glass-topped. Induction stoves have a glass-ceramic top,and can be cleaned using the same method as a glass-topped electric stove.

Coil Burners:

Clean electric coil burners with a quick wipe using a damp WIPE ENVY. Then turn the burners to high for about 3 minutes. Any accumulated grime will burn right off. Turn the burners off and let them fully cool, then wipe them down again.


To clean drip pans lift them out of the stove from under the coils. Smear the pans with a baking soda paste (three parts baking soda to one part water) and let them sit for 10-15 minutes. Wash the baking soda mixture off the drip pans and give them a final wash in warm soapy water, dry them well with a WIPE ENVY.


Clean Underneath the Stove

Lift the front of your stove like a car hood; it should prop open in the same way. Use a damp Skura sponge to wipe out the underside to remove any stray bits of food that might have fallen and then wipe dry with a WIPE ENVY. If there is more serious mess, sprinkle baking soda and then spritz with vinegar. When the mess bubbles up, wipe clean with your Skura sponge.  

Glasstop & Induction:

Before handling the entire surface, test this method out on a small section.  

Wipe down the surface with a WIPE ENVY to collect any food bits or crumbs.

Generously sprinkle the entire stovetop with baking soda.

Spray (or carefully sprinkle) white vinegar all over. Let the fizzing begin! 

Then fill a small bucket or container to handle hot water and soap. Dunk several WIPE ENVY cloths into the soapy mixture. Wring them out so they are damp.  

Cover the stove with the WIPE ENVYs. Let them sit for 15 minutes

The soapy heat from the towels activates the baking soda and cleans the stovetop.

After 15 minutes, remove the WIPE ENVYs.

Do one more wipe with vinegar on the surface and then dry the stove with a clean WIPE ENVY.


Your Hood Needs Attention!

Natural cleaning products are best for getting rid of grease build-up and dust. While you’re cleaning the hood, place a towel over the stove so that the dirt and debris don't fall inside.

Start by making a vinegar solution (one part vinegar and one part water) and spray it on the exterior surface of the hood. Let it sit for a few minutes. Then use WIPE ENVY cloths to remove the filth! Repeat if there are still areas that are greasy or tacky to the touch.

The dirtiest area of your range hood is the grates and filters (underneath). They must be removed in order to clean them. You may have to consult the manufacturer’s guide for instructions. Once they are detached from the hood, soak them in very warm or boiling soapy water to clean out any of the channels, Rinse them. Then spray them with a water and vinegar mixture. Allow them to dry. If they are still greasy, repeat the process and then place them back.  



The Spring Pantry Clean Out

If you’re unhappy with the way you have anything organized in your cabinets this is your time to make a change!

Remove all items. Toss anything that is expired or nearly empty. Pay attention to the following:

Oils: Check the ‘use by’ date. It’s tempting to want to hang on to these especially if you have bought a big bottle. But oils get rancid. This won’t make you sick. But it will make your cooking funky.

Spices: They’re expensive and unfortunately have a shelf life. Some bottles have a ‘use by’ date. If they don’t, then open and take a whiff. If you can’t smell it, then it’s time to toss. The rule of thumb is about one year for each bottle. Keep your spices in a dark place to help keep them as fresh as possible.

Nuts and butters: Nuts can go rancid just like oils. If you have an open bag of nuts, smell them. If they don’t smell right, then dump them. Nuts can actually be stored in a freezer to help extend their life. Open nut butters should be stored in the fridge after three months.

Seasonal items: Likely the Thanksgiving and holiday items won’t be needed for a spell. Perhaps a special area in your pantry is available so you can pull those items out – say next November.  

Wipe down each item – food, storage, dishes etc.

Fill a spray bottle with soapy water and spray down the shelves with a Skura sponge. There will even be areas where items have leaked and left messes. Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to those areas. Use the scouring side of your Skura sponge to get that clean.   We recommend repeating.

Wipe down the shelves with a WIPE ENVY.  

Now is that time to change the final destination of each item. As you replace each one back to the pantry, wipe it down with a damp WIPE ENVY. It’s also a good time to take inventory on pantry organizers. Do your sugars and other sweeteners live in a closed container for storage? Are your flours and grains safe from infestations? You might want to consider making a change if they aren't.  

Replace items back into your cabinets. As you do this, wipe off any jars or dishes with a damp cloth to ensure they don't have residue that will dirty your cabinets. Your pantry should now feel and look cleaner, more organized and less crowded.


Clean Under Your Sink!
  • Take everything out and put all of the items on your counter so you can audit and evaluate them.

  • It’s spring – so think fresh and clean. Toss old rags and cleaning tools you don’t use. Remove cleaners you don’t use and discard them appropriately. Make a list of cleaning tools you’re running low on. (hmmm how’s your WIPE ENVY inventory?). If you have young kiddos, it’s very important (as you know) to make sure that harmful or toxic cleaners are never within their access.

  • Now that it’s empty, create a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the entire cabinet and wipe it out with your Skura sponge. It’s surprising how dirty it is under there! Repeat but this time use a WIPE ENVY and dry.

  • Rethink how it’s organized. Before you put everything back, think about how you use the products and tools. You may want to consider organizers for product and tool types. Customers have shown us how they use a tension rod under the sink and hang spray bottles and cloths on it. There is much inspiration for organization out there. The idea is to keep it easy for you to use and keep clean.  

  • Actually lay the items out before you start putting them back. Now use the Coco Chanel rule – look again and make there isn’t a better place for a couple of items. Are there seasonal/winter type items? Don’t forget to account for any products you’re missing.

  • Put everything back based on your new organization plan. Using a damp WIPE ENVY, wipe everything down as you put it back.


Clean Out Your Kitchen Drawers 

Don’t do all your drawers at once – unless you have counter space for it! Remove everything from the drawer. If possible, remove the drawers from the runners so they are outside of the cabinet.

Dump out loose debris in the drawer. Then using a WIPE ENVY wipe the insides with warm, soapy water – or a mixture of water and white vinegar. You might need an old toothbrush to get into corners.  

At this point, you might want to consider changing the contents in the drawer. Have you always been meaning to put your dish towels in a different place. Or perhaps create two spaces for cooking utensils? There will certainly be items to toss or replace – like the dull vegetable peeler that you’ve been using forever. Then there is the ‘kitchen drawer’. You know the one. Everything gets dumped in there. Most of everything in there can be tossed or put in its correct place. And just tackling that will have you feeling like you’re off to a fresh Spring start!  

Now remove the hardware from the front of the drawers with a screwdriver. Let each piece soak in warm, soapy water for 10-15 minutes to remove the grime. Scrub away any excess gunk with a WIPE ENVY and screw back onto the drawer.

Clean the front of the drawer with a paste of baking soda and water. Rinse clean with damp WIPE ENVY. Then dry the front of the drawer with a dry WIPE ENVY.

Replace the drawer. Leave the drawers open a few minutes before returning items to make sure they are dry.


Freshen Up Your Disposal

Measure half a cup of baking soda and pour it into the disposal. Let it sit for half an hour. Then pour in one cup of vinegar. This will cause a considerable foamy action to bubble up into your sink. This bubbling reaction is working away any gunk. Let it do its magic for about three minutes. Then pour a pot of boiling water down the disposal.
Next, clean the blades of the disposal and loosen up any buildup, by pouring in a couple of cups of ice. Add a cup of salt on top of the ice. Run cold water from your faucet and turn on the disposal. Let it run until all the ice has been ground up.
The final step is to freshen it by putting a half lemon into the disposal. Turn on the cold water again and turn on the disposal. Leave on until lemon has been dissolved.


Get Your Drain Clean and Smelling Fresh
  • Start by pouring a tea kettle full of boiling water down the drain.
  • Next pour one cup of baking soda down the drain and add two cups of hot white vinegar down the drain
  • Cover the drain with the drain plug and wait 5-10 minutes.
  • Finally, pour more boiling water down the drain


If your drain continues to smell, it could need a plumber to check your sewer vents. And by the way, don’t wait until Spring Cleaning to clean your drain! Do so throughout the year!




How to Clean Your Dishwasher

Remove the utensil holder and dishwasher racks and let them soak in the sink filled with warm water and two cups of vinegar. Let them sit for at least 20 minutes. Use your Skura sponge to wash them clean. Rinse and put them back in the dishwasher.  

Next put one cup of white vinegar in a dishwasher-safe bowl and place it on the top rack of the dishwasher. Run the hottest cycle on the dishwasher. Skip the drying cycle and open the dishwasher door to let it air-dry.

Separately, sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda on the floor of an empty dishwasher and run a short cycle on the hottest setting to clean the interior and kill odors.

Clean with the vinegar first and then with the baking soda.

Dishwasher Cleaning Warning: Do not use bleach in a stainless steel dishwasher or a dishwasher that contains stainless steel parts, as bleach will damage it.

Clean the inside of the dishwasher door using a WIPE ENVY that is damp with a solution of hot water and vinegar. Gently wipe around the rubber gasket with an old toothbrush with the water and vinegar solution.  

Newer dishwashers come with self-cleaning filters, if your model has a manual filter, remove it to clean.

· Unlock the dishwasher filter and gently pull it out.

· Check the filter base inside the dishwasher for any food that might be caught there. Wipe the area with a damp WIPE ENVY to clean it.

· Wash the filter by hand in warm, soapy water and a Skura sponge to remove any gunk.

· Rinse the filters thoroughly in warm water.

· Put the filters back in place. If there is a lock, make sure it’s locked before using again.

The drain is the final deep cleaning task for your dishwasher.  

· Put 1 cup of white vinegar in a large, microwave-safe bowl. Heat it in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds so it is slightly warm.

· Stir in 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the heated vinegar. Pour the mixture into the drain at the bottom of the dishwasher. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

· Using a teakettle filled with boiled water, slowly pour the hot water down the drain to clear out all of the debris. Be careful not to burn yourself!

Warning: If you have a garbage disposal, be sure it’s also clean and running well. Dishwasher clogs and draining problems can sometimes be traced to a clogged or dirty garbage disposal.

Always consult your manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning and cleaning products.



Steam Clean Your Microwave

Fill a microwave-safe bowl with two cups of water and 1/2 cup vinegar. You can also use a smaller amount of lemon juice or several tablespoons of baking soda.  

Microwave for 5-8 minutes. Allow the dish to cool in the microwave before removing. Wipe down the microwave with Skura sponge cleaning the debris. Then wipe dry using a dry WIPE ENVY.

Blend Your Way to Clean

Add 4 cups of cool water and 4 cups of white vinegar into the container and let it soak for about four hours, then dump it out. This will also help clear up your pitcher if it is cloudy.

  • Next place one to two drops of dish soap in your container and fill it halfway with warm water.
  • Secure the lid with the lid plug in the locked position.
  • Run the blender on a low setting for 30 seconds .
  • Pour soapy blended contents out and rinse thoroughly.
  • Air dry by placing the blender pitcher upside down.


Coffee Maker Clean-up

Fill the reservoir with a half white vinegar and half water. Vinegar sanitizes as well as dissolves accrued mineral deposits.

Put a filter into the basket and start brewing. Don’t walk away. Halfway through brewing, turn the coffee maker off. Let it set for about thirty minutes.  

Turn the coffee maker back on and complete the brewing cycle it started. Pour out vinegar solution in the carafe.  

You’ll want to get rid of the vinegar smell and taste! So throw out the filter you just used and fill the reservoir with fresh water. Put a new filter in the basket and run a complete the brewing cycle.

Remove the filter, pour out the water, and repeat the brewing process. So you will have run three brewing processes to completely clean.

For single serve coffee makers, best to consult the manufacturers instructions as there are many models and vary by product.



How to Get Your Grill Ready for Summer

Thorough Inspection. Start by checking for any signs of wear and tear, rust, or damage to ensure the grill is in good working condition.
Deep Cleaning. Before the summer season kicks in, do a deep clean. This includes:

Grates and Trays:
Start by preheating the grill on high for about 15 minutes. This helps to burn off any remaining food particles or residue, making it easier to clean the grates. Scrape away residue. Let them cool.

Then place a towel down in your tub. Fill with warm soapy water and let the grates and trays soak overnight. This softens the remaining grime, making it easier to scrub off.

Using a VERY SKRUBBY, clean the grill grates and trays after they have soaked. Get into all of the nooks and crannies.  

The Exterior:
Always wait for the grill to cool down completely before cleaning.
Use a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap and a WIPE ENVY or your Skura sponge to wipe down the exterior surfaces. For greasy spots, mix equal parts water and white vinegar.

Pay attention to handles, knobs, and any control panels. Wipe them down with the soapy water solution. If there are crevices, use a VERY SKRUBBY and a WIPE ENVY to get into those areas.

After cleaning, rinse the exterior surfaces with clean water. Dry the grill thoroughly with a WIPE ENVY to prevent water spots and avoid any potential for rust, especially on metal parts.

Reassemble by putting the trays and grates back on the grill.

Replace or Refill Fuel.   If using a gas or charcoal grill, check the fuel supply. Replace propane tanks if necessary.

Check Ignition System. Make sure the ignition system is functioning correctly and that all burners light up promptly and consistently. If there are any issues, check manufacturer instructions.

Stock Up on Supplies. Before the summer grilling season, stock up on grilling essentials like charcoal, wood chips, VERY SKRUBBY, and marinades. And don’t forget about tongs, spatulas, pot holders and gloves and other cooking tools!

Concentrate on Your Concrete Patio

Before you head out to rent a power washer, try cleaning your concrete patio like this:

1. Mix one box of baking soda with two cups of vinegar in a bucket. This will create a lot of foaming action which will settle and you will be left with a paste. Depending on the area you are cleaning, you may need to mix more.
2. Spread the mixture over the concrete with a sponge mop. And let it set for at least 30 minutes.
3. Scrub the concrete using a bristle scrub brush -- but one with a long handle.
4. Rinse and then let the patio air dry before putting furniture back.



5 Pro Tips to Clean Your Windows
  1. Use a Homemade Cleaner. Mix equal parts distilled white vinegar and water in a spray bottle for an effective and economical window cleaner. The acidity of vinegar helps cut through grease and grime commonly found in kitchen areas.
  2. Microfiber Magic. Opt for microfiber cloths instead of paper towels to avoid streaks. Hello, WIPE ENVY! Microfiber is highly effective at capturing dirt and leaves surfaces with a streak-free shine.
  3. Focus on Frames and Sills. Don't just clean the glass. Pay attention to the window frames and sills, especially in the kitchen where grease and cooking residue can accumulate. Use a mild solution of soapy water and a soft brush to scrub these areas.
  4. Morning Advantage. Clean your kitchen windows in the morning or on a cloudy day. Cleaning when the sun isn't directly shining on the windows prevents the cleaning solution from drying too quickly, reducing the likelihood of streaks.
  5. Top to Bottom Technique. Start cleaning from the top and work your way down. This way, any drips or cleaner residue won't affect areas you've already cleaned. This method ensures a thorough and efficient cleaning process for your kitchen windows.


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